Our World in Data bookmarklets
These bookmarklets make it easy to download data from the fantastic repository Our World In Data. It only downloads the data from the graph that you see on your screen, instead of the entire data set.
Drag the links below to your bookmarks bar. That’s it!
- Go to the page you’re interested in
- Set up the graph on the ‘Chart’ tab to your liking, adjusting the timeline and the selected countries
- Click the bookmarklet to download the data or copy it to your clipboard.
Because Excel and csv files are annoying, there are two versions of the bookmarklets, depending on where you live:
US version
OWID to csv | OWID to clipboard
- periods are used as decimal separator
- columns in the csv are separated with commas
Europe version
OWID to csv | OWID to clipboard
- commas are used as decimal separator
- columns in the csv are separated with semicolons
Known bugs
This is a quick tool I used to make my own life easier, but there might still be bugs or weird behaviours. The bugs below are known and yet to be fixed.
- When used twice in a row, the bookmarklet generates an error. Refresh the page before using a second time.
- Noticed anything else? Send me a DM on Twitter or an email at wouter@woutervandijke.nl.